Magnet Cove High School
Parental Involvement Plan
Research has proven beyond a doubt that there is a positive correlation between student success and parent involvement. Involving parents in the school learning community has the potential to provide greater impact on student success than any other educational program or reform.
It is the intention of this plan to promote meaningful family participation in regard to student learning with the expected result of increased student achievement.
Magnet Cove High School recognizes that communication between home and school should be regular, two-way, and meaningful.
Magnet Cove High School will conduct two (2) parent/teacher conference meetings during the school year to engage parents in meaningful dialogue about the progress of their children. Parents will be provided information through email, phone calls, newsletters and the school website.
Magnet Cove High School promotes and supports parenting skills and programs.
Magnet Cove High School will provide a parenting center open to families throughout the school day. The parenting center will house resources regarding responsible as well as other materials that will be beneficial, such as community services. This material will be available for parents to borrow for review. The center will also serve as a gathering place for parents to collaborate and discuss critical issues concerning schools and/or family.
A family information kit is provided to parents and distributed during Open House and Parent/Teacher Conferences. This kit includes:
Student learning increases when parents are invited into the process by helping at home. Magnet Cove High School acknowledges the fact that parents play an integral role in assisting student learning.
In order to assist parents in student learning, Magnet Cove High School will host regular “Parents make the Difference” meetings. These meetings are to inform parents about what students will be learning, how they will be assessed and how parents can assist their children in meeting educational objectives. In addition, Magnet Cove High School, in conjunction with Educational Talent Search, will provide brief parent workshops on topics of special interest such as college and career planning.
Parents are welcome in Magnet Cove High School and their support and assistance are sought.
For the purpose of developing a volunteer program, Magnet Cove High School will:
Magnet Cove High School recognizes that a parent is a full partner in the decisions that affect his or her child and family.
Information on policies concerning parent visitation, student pick-up procedures, and classroom visitation are provided to parents through the Student Handbook.
Magnet Cove High School invites parents to seminars to discuss how best to help their child in course selection and career planning; i.e., rising 7th graders and rising 9th graders, Career/Academic Planning conferences.
Magnet Cove High School recognizes that Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning.
Committees consisting of parents, alumni, community members, teachers, and administrators provide input regarding school improvement.
To implement and further develop this plan, Magnet Cove High School has designated a certified staff member to serve as Parent Facilitator. This facilitator will also organize meaningful training for staff and parents promoting a welcoming atmosphere to parental involvement.
Magnet Cove High School Parent Involvement Implementation Plan
The Magnet Cove High School Parent Involvement Committee believes that parents are an integral part of the student’s educational development. Our desire is to facilitate the process by which teachers and parents can best work together to achieve common goals. We are committed to working with parents as knowledgeable partners, sharing the responsibility for the student’s educational achievement. The following is a comprehensive and informative list of activities and opportunities for high school parents to become involved in their student’s educational process throughout the course of the school year.
Contact with parents:
Parent Meetings:
Available from Counseling Center:
Available in the Library:
Melissa Hudson, Library Media Specialist
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