Thank you for taking the time to visit the superintendent’s page. It is an honor and a privilege to lead the District under the direction of a progressive and efficient Board of Education and comprised of a professional faculty and staff that truly care about the children it serves. My expectations for myself, faculty and staff, students and parents are high.
Our vision and purpose is that in collaborative partnership with families and community, the Magnet Cove School District will provide a secure environment of educational excellence where all belong, all learn, and all succeed.
With a relatively new system of accountability now being in place called ACT Aspire which replaced PARCC during the 2015-2016 school year after PARCC had replaced Augmented-Benchmarks and End-of-Course exams the previous year, we all know that the world of education continues to be in a constant state of transformation. However, regardless of how education changes for public schools in Arkansas, the following are are cornerstones that remain clear and resolute for Magnet Cove students:
Opportunity for a quality education of value, merit and worth, exists in Magnet Cove School District. We recognize and value the need for active partnerships with parents, students, and members of the Magnet Cove School District community. Our district and community are outstanding and unique because we share the common goal of doing what is best for Magnet Cove students.
I hope that you find our website to be user friendly in providing information, insight, and communication about our district, schools, faculty and administration. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Magnet Cove School District, please feel free to contact me personally, or one of our building principals. Together, we will make a significant and everlasting positive difference in the lives of our students.
Danny Thomas, Ed. S.
Superintendent of Schools
Magnet Cove School District